Wisdom  Rock Guide Children by Example

Praise the LORD everybody and Blessed Sabbath to all.

I feel compelled and led to share something with you.

Maybe you didn’t know this but I begin documenting on the internet over 15 years ago through various Newsletter Blogs and pages and eventual on WordPress and FaceBook because I wanted to leave a legacy and a memorial of who I am for my children to have access to after I am gone.

I had then and still have today, significant personal reasons why I have to redeem the time as expeditiously and as effectively as I can and given the fact that I have nothing of material or financial worth to leave, I thought that I would leave my Faith. And the best way that I thought to accomplish this is through documentation the world-wide web.

Any parent who has come face-to-face with their own mortality will attest to the fact that we would like their children to remember the very best about them and their love for them. And what better legacy to leave our children than your testimony of Christ and your wisdom and Faith in God.

In today’s atmosphere of parental alienation, many children are being denied the Faith, love and intimate relationship of one of their parents. Therefore, we must sometimes think of creative ways to tell our posterity that we love them and that we wish to be there for them even in our death.

Therefore I write for my children’s sake just like I write for the sake of the Kingdom of God. I am motivated to save my children and lead them the right way and by being so motivated by love, the LORD has Chosen to lay His Hands on me and endow me with a love and passion that spills over into this ministry and its articles – benefiting more that my children but those who have no relationship to me.

This is not surprising since God’s love for the Hebrew Nation spilled over into love for the whole world and blessed the gentiles too with the offer of eternal life.

Being filled with selfless and sacrificial love is to be acquainted with GOD WHO is LOVE. And HIS LOVE is beyond explanation. ALL that we can say is that GOD so Loved us that He Gave of Himself to save us while we were yet unsaved and unrelated to Him.  He imputed His Own righteousness to us through the veil of HIS SON’S Flesh and He Poured out the price of our redemption through the shedding of HIS ONLY SON’S BLOOD.


And it is because of God’s Love for Me that I so eagerly share with you what I initially was motivated to share only with my offspring. God’s love will make you reach beyond yourself to touch and impact the lives and hearts of those who hate you as well as those who love you.

Everyone is not going to understand this but it is for who it is for.


Now for what I feel led to share:

When FATHER YHVH says “I GOT THIS” we need to let it go and leave it in HIS Hands. But that doesn’t mean that we should be idle and irresponsible and lie on the bed immorality or recline on the couch of do nothing. To the contrary.  We should be about our FATHER’S business; following HIS instructions (Commandments) so that we may be in the proper position and place to benefit from HIM having dealt with our issues.

Example: If I tell my daughter that “I have got this” regarding a need of hers and she knows my commandments and instructions and she is very familiar with my WAY yet she refuses to obey and honor my Way and although I took care of her concern and I have sent her everything that she asks for and a little bit more, she cannot receive them because I sent them to 238 Obedient Faith Boulevard and she has moved to 666 Father Haters Circle.  She is out of place and out of her blessing because of her disobedience.  

We have to be in the right place with God to receive the benefits of His intervening on our behalf.

Hear What The Spirit Is Saying Unto His Ekklesia.

Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 2015
All Rights Reserved


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“Love Them To Life” by Bishop O.W. Prince

Tough Love

If God doesn’t hear the unrepentful requests (prayers) of His children and if God doesn’t reward disobedience of His Commands and disrespect of His name and Word, why are Christian parents rewarding their children’s disobedience and disrespect of their instructions and moral standards? Are they more righteous than God?

Proverbs 29:15 instructs us that the rod of reprimand produces wisdom. And Proverbs 13:24 says “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.”

The rod of reprimand is not always a physical instrument but one of unanswered prayers and requests – one of separation and silence.

If we have done our jobs as godly parents and taught as well as lived the life of holiness before our children and they rebel, sometimes in order to save them, we have to ignore their unrepentful pleas and allow life to teach them the lessons we could not.

This doesn’t mean that we stop praying for them. It just means that we are not going to validate or support their disrespect of us and of God with our monies, our cars, our dwellings or any of our resources. We are not going to enable them to continue down the road of self-destruction. We are not going to knowingly contribute to our children’s demise no more than FATHER GOD would contribute to ours.

However, if they stubbornly insist on traveling the wrong way after receiving admonishments and repeated warnings, then they have to be allowed to experience the full weight of their transgressions on their own. After all, it is what they wanted.

We should not help destroy our children by answering their every cry. We should first and foremost require that they repent. Isn’t that God’s way?

I offer the following prayer for all disobedient, rebellious and lost children, including my own:

I pray that all disobedient children are made miserable until such time as they repent and turn to God and embrace His righteousness.

I pray that those who have ignored God’s Commandments may themselves be overlooked and ignored until such time as they repent and the LORD becomes priority in their lives.

I pray that every ungodly task, venture, activity and plan that they put their hands, minds and energies to fails miserably  until they repent and return to the giver of every good and perfect gift.

I pray that they aren’t killed, maimed or lose their health while consorting with sin but that the Lord would have mercy upon them for Christ’s sake and draw them out of darkness unto repentance and salvation.

I pray that they never find a comfortable place outside of the will of God.

This is my prayer in the name of Christ Jesus, Amen!

This written prayer and commentary is the sole property of

Othealor Wendell Prince,Jr. 

All Rights Reserved

Scripture References:

Isaiah 1:15

Isaiah 59:2

Jeremiah 11:11

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Trust in the Lord Prov3 5_6

After a very hurtful experience with a close family member, I came to the painful conclusion that “I can’t truly love someone who I can’t trust.“

I know that some of you will disagree with that statement and you maybe be right. After all, love is an emotion that we can feel towards folks that we don’t necessary trust.

However, is that really the full measure of what love is? Is that the only type of love that we are capable of as human beings?  Is our love always to be limited to degrees of variations?  Is this the type of love that God desires from us toward Him?

I say, “No!”

When we were children we loved with an all trusting love and that love was good.

We trusted wholeheartedly in our parents.  We trusted our parents with our lives and depended upon them for shelter, clothes, guidance, emotional support, education, protection and sustenance or else we wouldn’t have survived. Our very lives and wellbeing were in their hands. We were oblivious of the dangers around us but they were always vigilant, watchful and protective of us. We learned that what our parents told us was the truth and that we could trust their instructions. We had genuine trust in our parents and/or guardians.

The Bible commands us to have a similar type trust in GOD.   It says,“That we are to become as little children or we can’t enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 18:3)


We are to love Father God with a childlike love; with all our heart, with all our strength, with all our mind, with all our soul and with all of our trust – totally trusting in Him for our lives, happiness and security.

We are to entrust our very lives and well being into His hands and be oblivious (unafraid) of the dangers around us – always trusting that Father is always with us, always vigilant, always watchful and protective of us and well able to keep that which is entrusted into His care. We ought to trust what Father God says is the Truth. And because we love (trust) Him we therefore obey His Word.

When we trust God like a child, our Heavenly Father is pleased and the gates to the Kingdom of God are opened to us.

I pray that our love for God grows as we learn to trust Him more and more with all of our being like a child trusts in their Father.

All Glory and Honor Belongs To God in the name of The Holy Messiah.


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The Master's Table

Let there be no fornication (sexual impurity, immorality or perversions) or greed named among you. Such sins have no place among God’s holy people. ~ Ephesians 5:3


Many Christians have given Christianity a bad name and have subjected Christ to public disgrace and shame – crucifying him again.

They have done this wicked thing by willingly and brazenly committing sexual sin and bragging about being pregnant or having babies outside of the bonds of marriage.

The contemporary churches and their pastors have welcomed this shame by not addressing it strongly enough and by allowing violators of God’s sexual ordinances to hold positions and participate in the holy sacraments without ever having to repent of any wrong doings.

With the exclusion of widows and divorcees, “unwed pregnancies” and “single parenting” is common place in many Christian assemblies today and are sometimes celebrated in their churches.

If in deed you are a part of the body of Christ, you should not tolerate this brazen disrespect of our LORD and of our GOD.


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A Crumb From The Master’s Table

The Master's Table

“If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons.Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” – Hebrews 12:7-11


The discipline or rather “chastening” referred to in this passage of scripture involves nurturing, education and punishment for the purpose of correcting a rebellious spirit and to bring about the perfection of moral character and behavior that will lead to Spiritual wellness, wholeness and eternal life.

It is not out of anger but out of love that we are disciplined.

It is not to injure but to save that we are chastened.

It is evidence of our adoption as children of God.

“My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” – Proverbs 3:11-12



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Real Christians Don’t Celebrate Halloween

As the Halloween season approaches, I solicit your help in spreading the Word of God by sharing this post on your wall, blog or website.  God Is watching and there is a blessing in being obedient.

To open this page, simply place your cursor over the picture below and left click.

Halloween - Boo

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The Master's Table


“For I am the LORD…” – Leviticus 11:45

“For I am the LORD your God…” – Isaiah 41:13


We who are parents have probably told our children to do something and they asked why. And we said, “Because I told you.” Our children are our responsibility. We are the parents and they are the children. And although they are not always able to understand the reasoning behind our commands, they are expected to obey them or face the consequences of disobedience.

The Holy Scriptures contain the Eternal Laws of God that no one understands logically. And yet God does not stop to explain himself to us? He simply says, “I am the Lord your God.” He is above our need for explanations and deserving of our full obedience.

Trust Plus Obedience copy


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Parental Alienation–Don’t Do It!

child alleination 2

When one parent teaches a child to disrespect the other parent, it is the child that suffers.

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Award March 22 _2013 copy

O.W. Prince Ministries  Congratulates Brother Selwyn Jacinto, of Bombay India. You are The Bible Scholar Champion for Friday, March 22, 2013.

Thank you Brother Selwyn Jacinto for helping to make the Bible Scholars Group a fun, loving and caring place of learning and sharing. You have allowed your Light to Shine Brightly Today. Your answer is correct. You have demonstrated superb biblical scholarship.

Thank You!



Today’s Question:

Does Jesus or his Apostles ever teach us to go [run] after, seek after or pray after the Holy Ghost?

The answer for today’s Bible Challenge Question is: “No.”

First, Jesus never told us to pray after the Holy Ghost but Jesus said that he would pray for us.

In John 14:16 Jesus said, “I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter…”

In John 14:26 we find that the Father sends the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ to dwell in those who love him and keep His Commandments. (John 14:20-26)

God promises to give those who believe the kingdom Message of Jesus Christ and repent and are baptized in Jesus’ name the gift of the Holy Spirit. (In Acts 2:38)

However, there seems to no scriptural support for anyone praying, seeking or running after the Holy Spirit.

Contrary to those who believe that they can receive the Holy Spirit by simply praying or believing by faith through grace, the gift of the Holy Spirit is always given by God and is initially evidenced by being heard speaking in tongues. (Acts 2:4, Acts 2:11, Acts 10:46, Acts 19::6)  If you have received the genuine Holy Spirit of God, you will be heard speaking in tongues at least once in your lifetime as the Holy Spirit empowers you to speak.


Please Visit The O.W. Prince Ministries weekdays for the next Bible Scholar Question. Questions are usually posted around 5:00 A.M. (EST/USA)

“Keep Looking Up!”


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“Grace Defined” / The Sabbath Message For March 9. 2013 (Re-Posted from February 18, 2012)

Grace bright lights

Lately it seems that the term “grace” is being used by religious folks to refer to everything but the kitchen sink.

One of the ways it is being defined by some Christians is that grace is the opposite of the Law.  However, contrary to popular opinion, grace is not the opposite of the Law or commandments of God.  The opposite of the law is indecency or lawlessness.  But Grace is favor over the Law.  It is the favor that comes from being God’s child, and not from justifying our actions or behavior legally or otherwise.  If you sin against God and repent –demonstrating your desire for forgiveness and mercy – earnestly desiring to be in a right relationship with the Father – His favor or His grace accepts your apology even when the Law demands your punishment.

Grace logoAnother way of understanding this is to say that we are always “under the law” of God but we are not always subject to the demands and penalties of the Law although we may be found guilty of a violation of the law.  I know that this seems to contradict the Word found in Romans 6:14 that says, “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.”  But if you were to look at this scripture in the light of Jesus’ teachings you would realize that Romans 6:14 doesn’t mean that God has done away with His Eternal Ten Commandments.  To the contrary, we all are subject to the eternal commandment of God and instructed by Jesus to keep all of God’s commandments. (Matthew 7:21-23, John 14:15, John 14:21, 1 John 2:4). Therefore, God’s Eternal Law abounds over us but where the law abounds grace much more abounds – admonishing us to obey God’s Commandments voluntarily and go and sin no more. (Romans 5:15, 20) if-you-love-me

For instance, if you were caught speeding – doing 55 miles per hours in a 35 miles per hour speed zone – you were guilty of a traffic violation but you repented and acknowledged responsibility for your offense – then the Law Enforcement Officer, instead of penalizing you as you deserve, issued you a warning ticket – he showed you mercy.  This act of kindness doesn’t justify your violation nor does it relax the law or license you to continue to speed.  It simply extended mercy toward you, allowing you another opportunity to comply with the law and obey the speed limit from here on out (John 8:10-11).  But if you practice speeding and continue to disregard the law, mercy will cease and punishment will be enforced.  However, grace accepts the penalty (punishment) for our transgressions and relieves us from the consequences of our lawlessness.  But this grace is not for everyone.

Now God may have mercy on whomever He will but His grace is reserved for His children.

Many are under the impression that “Grace” is somehow extended to everyone regardless of their willful disobedience to God’s commandments.  Thus they believe that in order to be saved by grace all that they have to do is recite a prayer or repeat a confession of faith.  Others think that grace somehow excuses them from any obligation to observe and keep the Eternal Moral Commandments of God.  They believe that God will pardoned their willful disobedience and lawlessness on the merits of grace.  However, they are dangerously mistaken.

Only those who obey God’s commandment to repent (die to sin) and are baptized into the death of Jesus Christ may consider themselves children of God and eligible to receive His grace.

A good way to understand how Grace relates to one’s relationship with God is to think of God as a good parent and ourselves as children (Matthew 18:2-4).  Children have favor in the eyes of their parents.  If they obey their parents, they are rewarded.  If while obeying their parents they get into any trouble or break anything, the parents assume responsibility and pays any cost on behalf of their child.  The child doesn’t earn this grace, it is freely given by virtue of the child’s relationship to the parent. However, a child of disobedience (a practitioner of sin) has no expectation of grace or favor from God.  God is not his parent.  His parent is Satan (John 8:44).

Grace GodsGraceLet me summarize. Mercy is the acts of being excused from the full weight of the consequences of our offence  although we are guilty of breaking the law.  It is withheld punishment or postponed condemnation for God is NOT willing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).  Whereas Grace is the act of receiving what we could not earn or deserve on our own.  It is unmerited favor and forgiveness.  Grace is reserved for those who have Repented, Kept God’s Commandments and Obeyed His will (Romans 6:1-4).

“Mercy doesn’t save us.  It gives us time to repent.  God’s Grace Saves!“  (Ref. Matthew 7:21-23, Ephesians 2:8)Ephesians 2_8 grace

All Praise Honor and Glory belongs to God the Father through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 2011
All Rights Reserved


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