Parental Alienation–Don’t Do It!

child alleination 2

When one parent teaches a child to disrespect the other parent, it is the child that suffers.

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Seven Days of Wisdom from Bishop O.W. Prince / Day 2

2012  owpPSE Cookie Very SmallIn honor of my 53 birthday, I am offering 7 bits of wisdom that I have gleaned over thirty plus years in ministry. I will only share one of them at this time. I would like to share the following simple yet profound insight:

The first priest in a child’s life should be their father. If a child experiences a loving, trusting, caring, nurturing and honest relationship with their earthly father, they are more likely to relate to the heavenly Father. After all, God said that the male of the human species was made in His glorious image (1 Cor. 11:7). It is uniquely the male’s honor and privilege to be called father even as God is called The Father. And it is the obligation and challenge of every man who has fathered a child to represent the image of God to that child. That is why it is so important that God’s divine will for marriage, sex and headship in a family be respected and obeyed. It is even more important that the parents, especially the head, be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit of God without which they will not be able to represent GOD. I know that this can be a daunting task in the light of so much wickedness in the world and so much  single parenting and baby momma drama. Nevertheless, the mantle of headship requires that fathers exemplify God even in the face of evil, remembering that with God all things are possible.

Fathers don’t love their children any less than mothers do. We just love them differently. And a child is likely to see God as The Father, if they see God in their father.

Attention fathers! Your salvation can save your child(ren). Therefore, repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children (Acts 2:38-39).

Reference: Proverb 17:6

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Crumbs from the Master’s Table

“Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become what he should be. “
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

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The Healing Men Crusade