fit it

Ok, let’s examine how some confusing stuff gets started.

One day you are just minding your own business and somebody comes along and says that you look like an evangelist or a preacher.

Now you know that you are not saved. You know that you have not been born of the water and of the Spirit as Christ commanded in his discourse with Nicodemus. You know in your inner most soul that you are not sent by God to say anything on God’s behalf.  You know that you have not spent any significant quality time with God and you know that the only thing that you know about God is what you heard from someone else.

But since folks are saying that you look like a preacher or an evangelist, you start claiming the title for yourself.

Now because folks have said that you look the part you begin to associate the part with the way that you look instead of with genuine salvation and re-birth. 

In addition, the media and entertainment beasts have propagandized preachers and evangelists in ways that makes one think that all preachers and evangelists must look like the ones on television or in the movies.  And all of these fictitious characters become preachers and evangelists without ever being born again of the water and of the Holy Spirit. (John 3:3-7 and Acts 2:37-42)

Wisdom Low Self esteem

Our whole focus is on looking the part, sounding the part and acting the part. It is all about playing a role for the very ones who placed you in the role to begin with.  It is not about being called, anointed empowered and  sent by God.  It is not about authentic substance and character but about satisfying the prejudice expectations of those who presume to know what an evangelist or preacher should look like.  Umm?

The devil has cleverly painted an image of what a preacher or evangelist should look like in our minds and many of us have bought into that stereotyped and propagandized imagery of Christian ministry – playing the role, dressing the part and reciting the prescribed script expected of us.

We need to remember that Jesus didn’t come imitating the Pharisees.  Christ and his Apostles didn’t take on an image whereby anyone could tell who they were and what their ecclesiastical titles were just by looking at them.  They were never burdened with trying to fit into an evil world’s prescribed roles for them or with trying to accommodate societal expectations of them or with trying to emulate some fabricated imagery of who they should be.

They were persecuted and some were tortured and murdered because they didn’t conform to what the world and her religious leaders thought that they should be. 

Christ was even numbered among gluttons, sinners and drunkards. (Matthew 11:19)

From a totally Christian perspective, it is alright not to fit in with everything and everybody else that may call themselves Christian.

Just be who God called you to be and be like God called you to be. You don’t need to impress anyone or prove to anyone who you are in Christ.  Just keep it real.

We need to remember that we are different by re-birth and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  We should not be made ashamed of our divine uniqueness.  And just because we all don’t look like what some people think that we should look like, we are no less Kingdom Children and we are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We are a chosen race who serve as Priests for The Kingdom, a holy people, a redeemed assembly; boldly proclaiming the praises of him who called us from darkness into his excellent light.

Therefore, we “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but are transformed by the renewing of our minds.  Thus we are able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

Dare to be different

Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 01/01/2011
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Go To Hell

After observing the licentiousness of some of our so-called church folks and their preoccupation and approval of sexual immorality and perversion, I am convinced that many of us need to be reminded that our sins placed Jesus on the cross.  Many need to be reminded of the ghastly and costly nature of sin and what it did to Jesus. 

As Christians, we cannot embrace sin in any fashion because sin separates us from the One we love and worship. It is filthy, ugly and deadly.  If after receiving the knowledge of the Truth and the Precious Blood of Jesus, we willfully sin, we have only the expectation of our own damnation. (Hebrews 10:26-31).  If we deliberately keep sinning – abusing the sacrifice of God in Christ Jesus – then we are guilty of the blood of Christ. 


According to a report by medical doctor, Mark Eastman, the suffering Jesus experienced on the cross is unimaginable.

For instance, prior to Jesus’ trial he was flogged by the Roman guards. “This process typically involved a whip with numerous leather thongs, 18-24 inches long, with bits of metal, bone or glass embedded in the leather…. Scourging was an extreme form of punishment. The skin on the victim’s back was usually shredded, thus exposing the underlying muscle and skeletal structures. Severe blood loss and dehydration were the rule. Many victims died from such scourging.

After the scourging of Jesus, the Roman soldiers beat Him a second time with their hands and with a reed. Then they put on him a crown of sharp flesh penetrating thorns.

Then came the crucifixion. It is arguably the most painful death ever invented by man and is where we get our term ‘excruciating.’ It was reserved primarily for the most vicious of criminals.

Even though Pilate, the Roman Governor, said, “I find no fault in this man,” he gave in to the jealous crowd and allowed Jesus to be crucified. With his arms stretched out Jesus was nailed to a wooden cross. The nails, which were generally about 7-9 inches long, were placed between the bones of the forearm (the radius and ulna) and the small bones of the hands (the carpal bones), permanently destroying the largest nerve in the hand called the median nerve…. In addition to severe burning pain the destruction of this nerve causes permanent paralysis of the hand.

The positioning of the feet is probably the most critical part of the mechanics of crucifixion. First the knees were flexed about 45 degrees and the feet were flexed (bent downward) an additional 45 degrees until they were parallel to the vertical pole. An iron nail about 7-9 inches long was driven through the feet between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones. In this position the nail would sever the dorsal pedal artery of the foot, but the resulting bleeding would be insufficient to cause death.

The resulting position on the cross sets up a horrific sequence of events which result in a slow, painful death. Having been pinned to the cross, the victim now has an impossible position to maintain. The result is that within a few minutes of being placed on the cross, the shoulders will become dislocated. Minutes later the elbows and wrists become dislocated…. As time goes on, the victim is less and less able to bear weight on the legs, causing further dislocation of the arms and further raising of the chest wall, making breathing more and more difficult. The result of this process is a series of catastrophic physiological effects.

Eventually the heart begins to fail, the lungs collapse, and the victim suffocates. He dies a slow, unbelievable excruciating painful death.

And all of this Jesus did for you and me gladly and willingly because he loves us with an everlasting love. He died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins and mine and satisfy the wrath of God so as to reconcile us back to God – assuring that we who believe and obey His commandments will rise as he did from physical death to be alive forever with God.

“However, the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral [adulterers, homosexuals, lesbians, fornicators]  those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars–they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

If you are reading this and have become convicted of your sins, it is not too late. For “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)


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Othealor W. Prince, Jr.



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The Master's Table

Here is a divine lesson that I’ve learned over the years and was recently reminded of.

Nothing works unless God allows it to work. Nothing man-made functions as it is designed and purposed to function without first being empowered by The FATHER to do so.

Therefore, do not trust in things, vehicles, money, medicines, doctors, hospitals, lawyers, law enforcement officers, family or friends. And especially don’t put your trust in the government. But trust in the LORD. It is He Who Is Faithful In All Things and It Is He Who Causes All Things To Work, Function, Perform, Act And Behave For Our Good; To Bring About An Expected End In Our Favor.

If Anything Is Going To Work, It Is Going To Work By God’s Permission And In His Plan And Order For Our Lives.

So That No One Gets It Twisted, I’ll Make It Simple and Plain.

There is no such thing as “Letting God have control.”  He Is In Control ALREADY! Period! We can willingly go where he leads us or we can go fighting but we will go.  In addition, nothing that we plan or create or imagine will work without God’s permission.

All Glory, Praise, Honor, Recognition and Credit Belongs To God The FATHER in the name of Christ The LORD.

Wisdom faith Have Faith



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The Master's Table

“Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy.” ~ Revelations 22:11


Sometimes we have to accept the fact that folks are going to be just who they are going to be.

But when I speak to you, I will open your mouth and you shall say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says.’ Whoever will listen let them listen, and whoever will refuse let them refuse; for they are a rebellious people. ~ Ezekiel 3:27

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I Am Nothing But God Is Everything


“Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed, as the Lord gave to each one? I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase. Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.”

“For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building. According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I have laid the foundation, and another builds on it. But let each one take heed how he builds on it. For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is of  YEHOWSHUA HA’ MASHIACH (Jesus Christ).”  (1 Corinthians 3:5-11)


The one who plants the Word and the one who waters the Word are both employed by the same God and working for the same purpose. They are ONE!

One’s labor involves the tilling of the soil; the turning over of hard ground. This labor involves a lot of pulling through tough soil with sharp spade-like tools that dig into the earth to loosen it and soften it; preparing it to receive the seed.

Another one’s labor involves cultivating, refining, educating, i.e. watering the seed that was planted so that it might mature and grow. This labor involves different skills than the one who tilled and planted.

However, both are needed to serve and benefit the seed (The Word). But it is neither he who plants nor he who waters that is important in this process. But it is God who empowers the labors of both to gives forth a harvest unto the Kingdom of God.

It Is Only Through The Grace Of God That Both Laborers Serve and It is God Who Grants The Power of Increase.

All Glory Belong To God!

1 CORINTHIANS 3 6 seedssouls

Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 2013
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Are You Like Christ?

Christ Like

It has been said that to be a Christian we must be Christ-like. And there are many people who consider themselves to be Christian. However, when we look at ourselves and our actions, do we resemble Christ?

Are You Like Christ?

Jesus was born for the purpose of obeying the Father even to the point of ridicule, torture and death.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus invested himself in others repeatedly without consideration for fame, fortune or celebrity.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus went out of his way to evangelize the undesirables and he risked the stigma of being a social misfit and a religious heretic in order to reach the oppressed, broken, discarded and downtrodden souls.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus demonstrated righteous indignation and holy boldness toward the corrupt and greedy money changers that operated in His Father’s House. He turned over their tables and expelled them from the temple.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus did not conform to the popular religious system but identified their leaders as a perverted, poisonous, hypocritical and deceitful brood of vipers.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus did not seek credentials or approval from the religious system.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus did not identify with any religious Faith institution nor did He adopt their ways or encourage His Apostles and Disciples to adopt the ways of any religious institution.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus felt and demonstrated compassion on the poor, the sick, the widows and children.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus did not think himself too glorious to bend down and wash the feet of those whom he loved.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus did not hold a grudge against Peter for denying him but saw his contrition and restored him.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus never gathered wealth for himself nor taught his disciple how to gain worldly prosperity.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus never engaged in homosexuality, sexual perversions or lewd and vulgar language and behavior.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus did not practice overindulgence, intoxication or drunkenness.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus was not focused on carnal beauty, physical enhancements or outward adornments.  

Are you like Christ?

Jesus obeyed The Father and kept all of His Commandments – not breaking one of them – not even the Seventh-Day Sabbath.

Are you like Christ?

Jesus never sought the glory, prestige, honor or position of ecclesiastical titles. 

Are you like Christ?

Jesus was buried in a watery grave by baptism and filled with the Holy Spirit.

Are you like Christ?

The Father said that Jesus was His beloved Son in whom He was well pleased.

Are you like Christ?

2 Corinthians 3_18

Copyright © Othealor W. Prince January 2, 2013
All Rights Reserved


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Today’s Sabbath Message / I know That YHVH Is Right! Somebody’s Wrong.

Bible glowing

If Christ himself came and told us that God has a set and divine order of things whereby the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God and that a woman should not have authority over her head but remain submissive, someone would try and correct God Himself and show Jesus the error of His ways.

“But I want you to know that the head of every man is The Messiah, and the head of the woman is the man, and the head of The Messiah is God.…For I do not allow a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over a mature man, but to be at rest.” (1 Corinthians 11:3, 1 Timothy 2:12)

Yes! Many so-called Christians would try and show Jesus the theological grounds and moral justification for the Christian Church allowing women to pastor and have authority over men. Many would risk the wrath of God and damnation before yielding and surrendering to The Way, The Truth and The Life.

This is almost laughable if it was not so serious and true.

The topic of female pastors (not preachers or evangelists) is a very divisive one in the Christian church. However, it was not until just a few decades ago that this even became an issue. The first century Christians as well as most contemporary mainstream Christians did not entertain the notion of a female as head in the Body of Christ or in the family until the advent of the feminist movement which focused on equality in the work place primarily between white men and white women—equal pay for equal work. Initially, minorities were not considered a part of this movement. The movement was eventually manipulated by the clandestine forces of government and society to create a schism between men and women of all races. This was done purposely and cleverly to dismantle the civil rights movement and draw attention away from the nation’s systemic racism and impoverished minority citizenship—divide and conquer. It worked!

Now, years later, women are leading men in society, the military and in the Church, but the nation has yet to totally expel the mechanisms of systematic racism and discrimination from its ranks. And the Church, which was a strong voice for racial equality, justice and unity, is now relatively silent and ineffective because it allowed itself to mimic and adopt a feminist social agenda that opened the door for gender role exchange and spiritual perversions that diametrically oppose God’s eternal Word.

Many Christian churches and mainstream denominations forgot about the “Separation of Church and State” and have married themselves to a cause that would cause division within its body—weakening its moral fiber, integrity and divine authority. Many churches and weak, spineless Pastors have changed to accommodate a social agenda of feminism whereby women are allowed to Pastor and exercise authority over men in the Church.

Many churches have changed and are changing to accommodated society’s definition of gender equality and political correctness. God’s standards have been compromised to accommodate evil and evil has entered into many congregations and taken over. That is why so many Christian churches are being filled with the sexually perverted and spiritually deviant homosexuals, lesbians, abusers of themselves with mankind, adulterers, fornicators, drunkards, licentious, vulgar and lustful individuals, etc. The Church has changed when God says that He doesn’t.

Just because it is acceptable in the world doesn’t make it acceptable to God.

I know That YHVH is Right! Somebody’s Wrong?

Please listen to the following recording:

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A Crumb From The Master’s Table

The Master's Table


Jesus says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)


You can not say that you love the Lord and do not obey His Commandments.

For further information, please visit the links below by left clicking on each of them to open their page.

  1. /2012/08/17/hell-should-be-empty/
  2. /2012/05/14/this-weeks-word-prayer-guilty-by-association-may-13-19/
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