Pastoring iwth Prayer

I ask you, my genuine partners in prayer to please pray for the complete healing of those who are sick and suffering and let us encourage their faith by our faithfulness in prayer.

Thank you and I love you to life.

Note: Just insert the name of the person you are praying for in the blank spaces.

Prayer Works


Oh my Lord and my God, I praise you!!! Hallelujah!!!

My soul praises you O Lord. I praise your Holy name.  You have forgiven us of all our sins and healed us of all our diseases.  You have redeemed our souls from hell.  You have crowned us with love and compassion and satisfied our heart’s desire as we delight ourselves in you.  You have not treated us as our sins deserve or repaid us according to our iniquities.  You have removed our transgressions from us – as far as the east is from the west.  You are worthy of all the praises!  And I praise you O Lord!  You are good all the time.  You are faithful to all your promises and loving to all your creation.  Your name is exalted above every name.  Your name is a strong tower where the righteous may run in and be safe.  You are The Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father and the Prince Of Peace.  You are the Truth, The Resurrection, and the Life.  You are Yahweh and Yehôshua – God Eternal and God with us.  You are Jesus the Christ – The Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.  You are our Lord and our God, our refuge and our fortress. It is to you we pray and in you we trust, hope and believe.  Our lives are in your hands.

PLEASE Hear our prayer O’ LORD and HEAL and Bless  ______________(NAME)_______________ and bless their family with a sure knowledge of your presence.  Reassure ______________(NAME)________________ and their family in such a way that they will know that when they call upon you, you will answer them.  You will be with them in trouble.  You will deliver them and honor them.  You will satisfy them with long life and show them your salvation.  You will heal and deliver from trouble.

Help thou any unbelief and Confirm your Word of promise with answered prayers and reward the faithfulness of your children O’ Lord.

Have mercy on brother (Sister) _________________(NAME)_________________ Oh God, in the name of YEHOWSHUA THE CHRIST I pray.  Amen!

Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 2015
All Rights Reserved



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Taking Care Of The Poor

Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 2015
All Rights Reserved


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American Idols

“Here are the laws and rulings you are to observe and obey in the land Adonai, the God of your ancestors, has given you to possess as long as you live on earth… Do not worship the LORD your God in the way these pagan peoples worship their gods… You will not do things the way we do them here today, where everyone does whatever in his own opinion seems right…” (Deuteronomy 12:1,4,8)

Adonai is a jealous and vengeful God.
Adonai avenges; he knows how to be angry.
Adonai takes vengeance on his foes
and stores up wrath for his enemies.
3 Adonai is slow to anger, but great in power;
and he does not leave the guilty unpunished.
Adonai’s path is in the whirlwind and storm,
and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
4 He rebukes the sea and leaves it dry,
he dries up all the rivers.
Bashan and the Karmel languish;
the flower of the L’vanon withers.
5 The mountains quake before him,
and the hills dissolve;
the earth collapses in his presence,
the world and everyone living in it.
6 Who can withstand his fury?
Who can endure his fierce anger?
His wrath is poured out like fire,
the rocks broken to pieces before him. (Nahum 1:2-6)

Are you aware of the overpowering influence that the entertainment industry and news media have upon us? And are you aware of the enormous amount of devotion that some of us give to celebrity idols?  And are you aware that GOD is jealous for our devotion and worship? 

I’ll try to be brief although the subject is exhaustive.

Between the two demigods – the entertainment industry and the news media networks –  we are brainwashed into believing what they want us to believe, accepting of what they want us to accept, liking who and what they want us to like and hating who and what they want us to hate as well as worshiping who they say to worship. From our birth until our death, all these things and more or being done to us on a daily basis. And some of us help to perpetuate the deception and mental and emotional slavery by becoming worshipers of idols ourselves and doing so in a nonchalant fashion as if it is normal and acceptable to Father GOD.

For instance, many folks purposely set aside some time everyday or every week to watch their favorite shows on television and to virtually engage with their celebrity idols and entertainers on the internet, television and in the movies and theaters. Everyone goes to the movies to see their favorite star (Idol).

Another example would be how folks show devotion and interest in the happenings in the lives of their celebrity idols. These idols, who don’t care about us and who don’t know us and who wouldn’t come to our funeral, are the very ones that many folks are worshiping and making wealthy, popular and powerful.

Abide Branch idol role model

We have been brainwashed to believe that we should be interested in what goes on in the kardashian’s household.

We have been hypnotized into believing that what goes on with Kanye is newsworthy.

Without any real consideration for our personal taste or Christian morals, we sheepishly allow the powers that be to think for us and tell us what to think and feel.

Without any real supportive educational, academic or ecclesiastical credentials or divine sanctions, we are told that we should care about what our worldly idols have to say about fashion, same-sex marriage, gay rights, parenting, dating and morals.

We have been indoctrinated to believe our idols and trust that whatever the news media says must be true. We have been programmed to accept someone else’s assessment and definition of good, bad, ugly, pretty, smart, dumb, ignorant, righteous, wrong, tasteful and moral.

We have been taught to believe that whatever the entertainment industry and news media represents as beautiful is actually beautiful and what the industry and media calls ugly is actually ugly and what world says is morally righteous is actually righteous.   We have been so thoroughly brainwashed by the the elements and devices of the supreme god of this world that we now have the most disrespectful, promiscuous, under-dressed, foul-mouthed generation that the Christian era has ever known.

We or told that naked ain’t naked and indecent is now normal and lewdness is now statue quo. And although mankind did not create the institutions of marriage and family, a group of human beings dared to impose their wicked judgment against GOD’S ETERNAL MORAL TRUTH and illegally change what the ALMIGHTY YAHWEH has decreed, hallowed and sanctified for all eternity into something demonic, perverted, vile, offensive and against nature. (Daniel 7:25; Ref. The Supreme Court’s Decision of June 26, 2015)

The demigods of this world have brainwashed many of us so completely that even while we are being physically massacred and spiritually assaulted, we are unwilling to defend ourselves and our CHRISTIAN FAITH. 

Satan god of this world

Some of us have been mentally and spiritually lulled to sleep and drained dry of our original divinity whereas we have become soulless automatons; controlled and manipulated by the god of this worlds; reprogrammed to trust in what “they” say as opposed to what THE LIVING WORD OF YAHWEH says; serving the new morality (Doctrines of demons) while abandoning the divine and eternal principles of Yahweh and His Holiness.

Next time you are tempted to watch an entertainment award show or an interview with a industry-made celebrity or listen to a news report about which celebrity idol is having a baby or is pregnant or had butt implants or had a sex change, ask yourself theses 7 questions:

  • How does this “celebrity news” benefit me and my family and improve my quality of life?
  • Why should I care what is happening in the lives of celebrities when they have not shown any concern for what is happening in my life?
  • At the end of the day, does paying attention to celebrities increase or improve my health, increase my wealth and secure my family’s posterity and safety?
  • Is God being glorified whenever I esteem and exalt an idol god?
  • Is YAHWEH pleased with my endorsement and financial support of the demigods’ morals, activities, lifestyle and projects?
  • Would Christ and/or His Apostles be interested in showing support for cussing comedians, fornicating actors, lying gospel performers, vulgar secular singers, sexually perverted preachers, hypocritical talk show and game sow hosts and same-sex advocates and enemies of GOD?
  • Can I applaud the work of Satan and still praise and worship God?

I pray that this article helps to answer the question: “ARE WE WORSHIPING IDOLS?”

Dear FATHER, I have sounded the Alarm OH LORD. I have told your obedient children what you would have them to hear and to know. I pray that Your Holy Spirit opens the eyes of the blind and unstops deaf ears so that the listening soul may both understand and hear your WORD and REPENT. Please continue to show us how to live pleasing to you and how to give you the HONOR AND THE PRAISE. Help to repent of idol worship. Amen.

Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 07/01/2015
All Rights Reserved


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The Master's Table

To a child, going to the their first school dance or going on their first date are the biggest happenings in their lives at that time in their lives. For them, it means the world. For older adults who have lived and suffered a while, it may be of little importance. However, we parents recognize that what is serious to our babies is also serious to us. We appreciate their concerns as our own and we value the monumental significance of our children’s “REAL LIFE” moments as if they were our own. Nevertheless, we simultaneously understand their seemingly important moment in the light of our own life experiences and obligation as provider, protector, parent, teacher, doctor, nurse, transporter, disciplinarian, counselor, priest and rescuer.

We have a different and more realistic perspective of the relative importance of our children’s concerns but yet, as far as they are concerned, their issue is the most important issue in the world to us.

This is how I feel that God must look upon us sometimes. Yahweh being The HOLY ALMIGHTY GOD knows that our concerns and worries are relatively insignificant and of no real importance when placed against the backdrop of eternity and the unimaginable, untold wealth, power and glory that He so richly desires to give to HIS Children. (Luke 12:32 and 1 Corinthians 2:9)

Nevertheless, Father YAHWEH, through The Name and Blood of HIS SON, listens to our prayers and makes us feel as though we are the most important person in the world to HIM. 

This is how we should entertain one another’s concerns and/or problems. (Romans 12:15 and Galatians 6:2)

Oh What A Wonderful GOD That We Serve!!!


God Is Good Regardless YHVH

I Pray For Faith Like The Apostles So That I May Honor God With All My Soul And Say…

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18)

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” (2 Corinthians 4:17)

Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 07/01/2015
All Rights Reserved


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“The Law Cannot Dignify What God Has Condemned.”


Regarding the Supreme Court’s upholding and validation of Same-sex Marriages in The Untied States on June 26, 2015 (The same day of the memorial services in Charleston S.C. for the brutally Slain Pastor of Historic Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church):

If “marriage” is a matter of State and Federal law as some believe, then what of those Black heterosexual slaves who were denied marriage under the law but lived as married couples and families in the sight of God and man? Was their copulation sinful and adulterous according to Holy Scripture? Were their children born as illegitimate offspring? Doesn’t God reserve the right to say who is considered married and who isn’t within the confines and definition of His institution?


Perhaps it is best to think of this worldly and wicked phenomenon of same-sex marriage as belonging to the world and to the god of this world and not be too overly concerned with it as it has nothing to do with us but is totally consistent with who Satan is. 

The ruling by the United States Supreme Judicial Branch  of Government doesn’t represent YAHWEH or GOD’S Eternal Moral Law or the love of Christ.  It is only a further manifestation and witness to the depravity of the souls of mankind and America’s abandonment of Her First Love – JESUS CHRIST.  We must face the fact that America hasn’t been one nation under GOD for a very long time. 

I heard a priest say on CNN – and I paraphrase – “The Supreme Court’s ruling legalizing same-sex marriage in all 50 States confirms that God is a God of love.”  I didn’t know that God’s Love needed any further confirmation after the birth, passion, death and resurrection of Christ Yeshua.  I didn’t know that any human agent or agency could annul or legitimize what YAHWEH has ESTABLISHED In HEAVEN or in the earth.  I am totally unaware of any time or incident where YAHWEH abdicated HIS Sovereignty and submitted HIMSELF and HIS ETERNAL MORAL LAW to the authority of mankind.  If you can, please inform me of it.

It is only the evil one that seeks to change what God has ordained and call “evil” good and “good” evil. (Daniel 7:25)

IT IS A WICKED world and a WICKED nation that attempts to marry and relate their vile filth and wicked homosexual practices and beliefs to YAHWEH – The HOLY ONE, THE ONLY TRUE and LIVING GOD.  Even to suggest that GOD’S LOVE is homosexual and that HE approves of same-sex sexual relationships is blasphemous, insulting and invites the wrath of God.

Let Me Be Crystal Clear!

GOD IS HOLY AND JUST AND ALL HIS WAYS ARE RIGHTEOUS.  And as God’s messenger, I, in the authority of the name of Yahushua Ha’Mashiach, pronounce immediate and unquestionable judgment upon anyone who dares even to suggest, equate or associate such vile filth as same-sex marriage and homosexuality with God’s Righteousness and Love.


Homosexuality Same sex

Every TRUE and Faithful Christian should be outraged with righteous indignation if anyone, including the Supreme Court and/or her Justices, dares to slander our FATHER and His HOLY LIVING WORD by suggesting that “gay love” and same-sex marriage is the same as “GOD’S LOVE.”



“The Law Cannot Dignify What God Has Condemned.”

Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 07/01/2015
All Rights Reserved


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Psalm 105:14-15
He permitted no man to oppress them, And He reproved kings for their sakes: “Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm.”

Miriam was struck with leprosy because she criticized Moses’ marriage to an Ethiopian (Dark-skinned) woman.  (Numbers 12)

42 young children were torn to pieces by 2 female bears after they mocked and teased the prophet Elisha, provoking him to call down judgment upon them. (2 Kings 2)

Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, met with sudden death after they lied to the Apostles and the Holy Spirit. (Acts 5)

Some of our troubles may have been brought on because of how wickedly we treated and despairingly we thought of the Man Of GOD.




Copyright © Othealor W. Prince 06/2/2015
All Rights Reserved


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No One Understands Us Like God


Sometimes all you need is for someone to really understand and appreciate what you are dealing with and the struggles you have had to overcome and are overcoming everyday. You don’t want their money or their praises. You just want their understanding.


Sometimes friends don’t understand what you are going through.

Sometimes family members are oblivious to your grief, inner sufferings and pains.

Sometimes your pastor cannot relate to what you are struggling with.

Sometimes your spouse doesn’t understand you.

The only one who really understands us is the One who made us – Jesus Christ. And He upholds us by His Word of Power. (Hebrews 1:1-4)

There is not a friend like Jesus!  He knows all about struggles and He will comfort and guide ‘till the day is done. Jesus is our only true friend.  Amen! Amen!!

God Understands!

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Keeping It Real Deep Love copy

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This song is especially dedicated to everyone who knows that they are not perfect and that they need a savior.
I pray that this song blesses someone today.

Please feel free to share how this song blessed you or just share your testimony.  Your story may bless someone else today.  Be a blessing. 


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The Master's Table

“Let the one who does wrong, still do wrong; and the one who is filthy, still be filthy; and let the one who is righteous, still practice righteousness; and the one who is holy, still keep himself holy.” ~ Revelations 22:11


Sometimes we have to accept the fact that folks are going to be just who they are going to be.

But when I speak to you, I will open your mouth and you shall say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says.’ Whoever will listen let them listen, and whoever will refuse let them refuse; for they are a rebellious people. ~ Ezekiel 3:27

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