A Personal Note

2012  owpPSE Cookie Very SmallHello Everyone:

First allow me to apologize for the nature and content of this post. I had hoped to avoid such a post. However, being a public entity and an advocate to morality, it was inevitable that such a post would be necessary.

This post DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU but it applies to one particular individual who shall remain nameless for now. However, if another post of this nature is necessary, HER NAME ALONG WITH OTHER INFORMATION WILL BE DISCLOSED.


To Whom It Concerns:

Due to your inappropriate communications and false accusations, I have asked that you please “unfollow” me but I have noticed that you have not. Please cease and desist from any further contact or interaction with me or my ministry as I find that we are diametrically opposed. Failure to do so will result in further actions. I have no desire to be injurious or demeaning toward you. I only desire that you withdraw from any further contact with me.

In addition, I strongly suggest that you do not air my voice on your online radio network as I own All Rights to all of my voiceovers and I have not given you written permission to use them.

I expect this simple request to be acted upon immediately.

Thank You.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons license.