This Week’s Word and Prayer for April 16-21

Today’s Word

proverbs 3-5,6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.  (Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)


Someone once said that if God showed us every detail of our lives – all at once- we would sit down and refuse to face another day.  We were not created to be omniscient like God.  He reveals our future to us in portions we can digest – like loving parents feeding their child only the type and amount of food that the child can handle and digest in order to thrive.

When my daughter was about six-month-old, it was interesting to watch the process as she was introduced to new foods. Some foods surprised her. I could tell by the face she made when new foods were first placed in her small mouth. When she liked the new food, her eyes got big and she grinned and made a big smacking sound as if to say, “Umm umm good! Keep this stuff coming!” However, a few foods solicited a very different response. She would scrunch up her little face, turn her head and spit out the food that she didn’t like. I quickly learned what she would eat and what she would not.  And I had to change my strategy if I wanted her to eat the nutritious foods that she needed in order to grow up healthy and strong.  I learned to mix some of her peas and carrots with applesauce and offer it to her in smaller bites. She enjoyed it and eventually learned to eat all of her food without it being mixed.  The Lord feeds His children in a similar manner.  God only reveals what we can understand, perceive, apply and digest at the time—carefully nurturing us—not allowing us to remain on baby food but parenting us toward healthy spiritual maturity.

Just like my daughter who continued to trust me to feed her what was good for her although it was not always pleasant to her, we are also challenged to trust God even when its unpleasant.  Just like my daughter who did not understand the value or benefits of the food offered to her but trusted and obeyed my intructions to eat what was set before her, so must we trust and obey God’s Word as it is set before us although we may not understand all of its benefits or see its value.

Trust Plus Obedience copy  Today’s Prayer

Father, I pray to You today in the name of *YeHoWsHua HaMashiach – Jesus the Christ. Please forgive me for not trusting You with my whole life—for not trusting Your choices for my Life. I know that You Know what is best for me and You have my best interest at heart. I have come to realize that You know what I cannot understand and that you understand what I am capable of knowing. My Life is in Your hands O Lord! I want to follow Your plan for my life. I realize that I am not required to understand Your purpose for me but to trust Your will for me. Guide me in Your perfect will and purpose for which I was created. I will trust You with my whole heart. Empower me to do whatever You ask me to do. Help me to accept Your will for my Life. This is my prayer today in the name of the LORD YeHoWsHua* (Jesus) the Christ, Amen.



The Hebrew spelling of the name of Christ is used in this prayer for educational purposes. Yehowshua is often shorten to Yeshua but out of respect for my Lord I chose to use the spelling of His proper name to demonstrate that His name s above every name and that even the spelling of His name is relative to the spelling of The Father’s name – remembering that there were not any vowels in the Hebrew alphabets. Thus, YHWH (Yahweh) and YeHoWsHua (Yahweh is salvation) are grammatically and uniquely related.

For more information of the authentic name of God, please follow the link below:

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